Saturday 8 August 2009

“To the mediocre, mediocrity appears great”
- Indian proverb

"Study my reflection
and let the colours fall
Slip into stillness
And be above it all"

Blimey what a long time since I saw you last. Oh yes I've thought of many insightful and witty things to post, but they slipped out of my mind "like tears in rain" and never made it onscreen. It seems only the late night ramblings get through, which, sadly, is usually all the crud and detritus left by the absence of the 'good stuff'. Plus my relatively neutral state of mind means that very little is annoying me enough to appear in text, and my ever eventful (by which I mean uneventful) life hardly produces enough anecdotes to wallpaper a dolls house.

Billie and I were moved to tears by Edward Scissorhands (on blu-ray) last week, so this week we've watched Beetlejuice (not on blu ray). While hardly the emotional tour de force of Mr.Scissorhands, it still went down well with her, but it was hardly the laughfest I recalled. Maybe you really shouldn't revisit some old classics - but then again Pee-Wees Big Adventure holds up remarkably, so bang goes that hypothesis.
I watched 'Knowing' the other night and it was just okay. Mr. Cages hair continues to amaze however, is it made of straw? or brillo pads maybe?

The heat has made the workplace into a tropical sweat storm, especially for one as svelte as me. sadly in a few weeks I'll probably be moaning about the cold weather and the cost of fuel, it's all rather inevitable isn't it?

On the horizon I have a fortnights holiday coming up. I really really must do something constructive with it, or get away for a day or two. Promise me you will remind me , okay?

Be seeing you!

“To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak”

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