Thursday 22 October 2009

" Get used to disappointment "

A little explanation - this was written, but not posted , very very late last night (in fact more like very very early this morning). I was very tired (but still didn't get to bed until around 5), and quite upset.
Not in the feeling sorry for myself kind of way though, more total self disgust, although I admit to the casual observer, both states might appear identical.
Things always seem worse in the early hours, and this morning they seem, well actually just as bad.

Look, here's a change, me being brutally honest, with myself.
Everything feels very pointless tonight, even more so than usual. You may have noticed an exchange of comments in an earlier posting, and it's made me think long and hard. My life is not so unusual, many many people are lonely , even in a world of 6 billion and rising. It's just that, well, I suppose I'm a misfit, not unlikable, but unliked. I'm not blaming anyone, I could I suppose (parents?), but let's face it I'm the sole architect of my own destruction, all of them I suspect. And speaking of destruction, maybe (maybe?) I unconsciously sabotage everything I touch, (or maybe not so unconsciously?) To be honest I don't get on well with people (read any previous posting for evidence) , and then I repeatedly bemoan the fact assigning blame to everyone else but me (at least outwardly).

I had a good friend, and I ruined it, totally, completely, and unilaterally. I will always be sorry for that. Your last comment brought into a very sharp focus what a total and complete shit I was / am (excuse the language).

See you all next time I hit the wine I imagine?

“I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.” - Stephen Hawking


Tiffany said...

Knock knock?

Roger O Thornhill said...

I'm confused by this comment. Does it mean I need to get some sense into my Head, or that someones at the door, ot some third even more esoteric meaning?

Tiffany said...

"The door is always open wide...Now as the night is falling...Take off your coat and come inside..."

MARY HOPKIN - Knock Knock Who's There

The post, like most, is simply reflection. Keep reflecting. Only in reflecting one's own self will one come to terms with one's self...right?

Richard Hannay said...

I reflect more than the average mirror, but thanks for your continued support. Mysterious but welcome!

Anonymous said...

I know how much you love your quotes:) So i've picked a few out for you. Hope they cheer you up a bit my old pal:)

"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." ~ Bernard Meltzer

Friends are God's ways of apologizing for our families......Think we both get that one:)

Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and have her nonsense respected....and that you did with me too, many times:)

Hope you're ok

Scottie Ferguson said...

Thanks for a reassuring and comforting comment. I can be (can? - more like am) very self centred. Once again - sorry!