Saturday 5 December 2009

“A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.”
- Steve Martin

"Seasons may change,
we stay the same.
We always stay the same."

You can just sense my flagging interest can't you ? As I've said before, many times, there is only so many times I can bemoan the monotony, or my disturbed sleep, or my regrets, without it becoming completely boring (I suspect that moment has already long since passed). Just look at the number of posts over there on the right, hundreds the first full year, half that the second, and this year will have even less, that's plenty.

I was without any Internet access for over 48 hours this week (and on my days off to boot), and it felt like a physical withdrawal. I didn't realise how much it meant to me. It's like having only one window in your house, and then having it bricked up.
Obviously it's fixed now, how else can I pass on this wisdom to you?

I had a flooded bathroom this week, and then someone forced open my yard door whilst I was out yesterday. Thankfully they didn't get into my house, but as I reached for that back door, not knowing whether I would find it locked or open, well you can imagine the horror in my mind. By the way my flood is all but dried up now, thanks for asking.

“Do not anxiously hope for that which is not yet come; do not vainly regret what is already past” - Chinese Proverb

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