"If you are looking for disappointment
You can find it around any corner"Quite some time has passed eh? Is there a good reason for this? Well, er, no, just apathy mixed with a dash of laziness, and a whole mess of 'what's the point?'.
but here goes ;
First It looked like something was going to happen to me there for a minute, but in an attempt to be completely upfront about what I like to call 'my personality' I may have taken good first impressions to a new all time low, or bad first impressions to an all time high , you decide!
Nothing ventured eh? I shall remain
beguilingly vague on the matter.
Amazingly I actually spent a big part of the week planning what seemed like a bargain holiday next week to, of all places -
Las Vegas! (yes you read that correctly!).
However despite all my planning the bargain price had blinded me to one fact, a thirty hour travelling time (that's thirty there and another thirty back, so I suppose that's actually sixty- duh!).
Even though I'm travel starved, I just couldn't face a twelve hour overnight wait at JFK
(that sounds pretty cosmopolitan doesn't it?), amongst other waiting highlights, so I'm simply not going. A more reasonable time of 17 hours was later found but it was 50% more pounds, and I simply can't afford it.
I always recall a Viz 'top tip' from about 20 years ago - "half the fun is planning the holiday, so this year I'm planning two, and staying at home".
I woke up a few days ago with a mouthful of cold sores (which means I'm tired or stressed, or more likely both). To be honest I looked like the winner of a cheese on toast marathon. thankfully they are almost gone. Now why did I feel the need to write that down eh?
"Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?" (yes I watched 'High Fidelity' tonight)