Thursday 4 February 2010

“Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around.”

"It's such a sad old feeling
the fields are soft and green

it's memories that I'm stealing
but you're innocent when you dream"

Well fret ye not, here I am again, not quite so suicidal as last time, not quite. I'm only temporary buoyant as my days off loom, well you know the routine.
I've never had quite as many compliments like ever, as since my recent terrible haircut. The fact that so many people like it only makes me hate it more and want to grow it long again. However I think I'll eschew the Robinson Crusoe look of long hair and full beard I've been sporting for the past 20 months or so. I may have been scaring small children and old ladies, but I've been to depressed and preoccupied to notice.
I watched the Season 6 opener of 'Lost' tonight and it was like welcoming back an old and sadly missed friend. It didn't half cheer me up, well at least for a moment.

I'm half way through season 2 of 'True Blood' and loving it. Michelle Forbes has been a revelation, She was scary in Battlestar Galactica, but is almost magnetic here, I do hope the resolution doesn't disappoint!
However I only wish I could bring myself to watch the new series of 'Caprica' but anyone who's read more than a couple of posts here will know my silly reasons I can't/won't.

My meagre central heating is struggling to combat the cold weather. I'm sleeping in pyjamas, dressing gown and under a 13 and 15 tog pair of quilts ( I guess that makes 28?). When I'm watching TV downstairs it's from beneath blankets, and surely it's only a matter of time before I'm having to break ice on the bath. Is this any way for a mature geezer of my ilk to live?

Be seeing you, I expect...

“I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.” - Bill Watterson

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