Sunday 11 July 2010

“Apart from that Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”

"Hide on the promenade,
Etch a postcard :
"How I Dearly Wish I Was Not Here"

I hate Sundays, really hate them, especially Sunday mornings, which is where I currently am. These past few weeks have been a blur, but not the 'wasn't that exciting' kind of blur, more the 'what? still here?' variety. Days became weeks, and before weeks become months something has to change.

I've resolved to return to work this week, my GP told me that maybe he should have just given me a note for two months straight, and that probably would have been better, allowing me to put work related worries on the mental back burner (what a very long and dull sentence that was!).

What have I been up to then? Not much. I continue to force myself outside everyday (except yesterday when my dressing gown never came off and nary a door did I cross! It can't all be an upward trajectory!
The side effects continue to diminish, but the weather combined with flushes means one hot and bothered Billy.
I have hardly bought any music recently, which, for me at least, is strange. For the past couple of years I've been buying CDs on an almost daily basis. The urge has gone though, (along with many others! ) is it just the medication?I still listen to music, a lot of it, but the thrill of scouring Amazon Marketplace for the one penny CD, browsing eBay, or rummaging through my favourite second hand shop, has just ebbed away.

I still feel very lonely and bored, but it just doesn't seem to matter as much any more. I've said it on several occasions, I know, but the biggest effect of the medication seems to be a bit of zombiefication. However it's preferable to the way I felt, just a few short weeks ago. I was at the edge, but now I'm on the picturesque bench that overlooks the edge (i.e. still close, but sitting comfortably, probably with an overpriced ice cream)
I finished my 'Seinfeld' marathon, and replaced it with a new one. I've had 3 series of 'Breaking Bad' waiting for a while now, and already I'm into season 3! It really is that compulsive. although the situation is, I imagine, a little far fetched, and hardly a laugh a minute, its fantastic escapist entertainment. Several episodes have left me feeling genuinely upset, and for someone else for a change!

Anyway more navel gazing, and sentences starting with 'I' soon (I hope)...

“I feel that if a person has problems communicating the very least he can do is to shut up.” - Tom Lehrer


Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling a little stronger each day, and you enjoy your return to work soon too.
Wishing you all the best.

Billy Hopkinson said...

thanks! good to hear from you!