Thursday 11 November 2010

"Who would write, who had anything better to do?"
- Lord Byron

 "And if a double-decker bus,
Crashes into us,
To die by your side,
Is such a heavenly way to die"

Just sense that waning interest. 
As you probably guessed, I'm on my days off and that means wine, which often leads to a blog entry, so here we are. 

First I had a strange comment on a posting from July, - " really appreciate YOU -- thanks a lot! ".
What on earth does that mean and who is it from ? It doesn't look like the usual spam. Can anyone enlighten me? (about anything at all!).

Last night I fell asleep on the living room floor, and woke up at 2.45 (of the a.m. variety). I fell asleep listening to the (fabulous and very moving) soundtrack to  "Vertigo" (by Bernard Herrmann, of course) and consequently (I imagine) had some very strange and disturbing dreams. It was all I could do to (almost literally) drag myself up to bed. 
Strangely, I hardly ever feel lonely anymore, and I know that lack of loneliness is in itself a worry, and maybe a symptom. I hope it's just a phase, or possibly a coping mechanism.

I pulled the door off my microwave the other day (wear and tear rather than anger, by the way) another unexpected expense, but rather funny in retrospect. 

Being back at work is now becoming the norm, but it still seems a little strange and other worldly. In a couple of days I'll have been back a month, but it feels like seconds, but simultaneously, an eternity.

Life remains pointless, but at least I don't want to end it anytime soon (anymore!)  


“Life is hard. Then you die. Then they throw dirt in your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful it happens in that order.” - David gerrold

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