Saturday 20 October 2012

“Happiness makes up in height what it lacks in length”

- Robert Frost

It's 2am on Saturday morning. You find me trying to get over what I can only describe as a panic attack, no,  it wasn't quite that.
More the despair hour, although that too, doesn't quite get to the heart of it.
There's a few things worrying me on top of my usual 'woes', but to detail them would reveal just how trivial they are, and how crackers I actually am, so I'll say no more, for now. But sometimes fretting spirals into full blown panic I imagine.

I've been on holiday this week - wasted all of it of course. On a brief positive note - I actually got a semi decent haircut.
Sadly, I've hardly seen Billie at all. She was supposed to stay this very night, but she forgot her pyjamas, and wouldn't accept a substitute. So we reasoned if we had to go back for them, she may as well wear them there!

Much like yours truly, my armchair finally snapped tonight. It's been wobbly for months, but tonight I found myself and chair keeling over.

The only reason I tell you is it seemed quite amusing. Even as I was a tumbling I could see the humour in it. But if a tree falling in a forest makes no sound, is an unobserved buffoon funny?
Ponder that, while I ponder how I can afford a new armchair, oh and a new mobile phone (the beloved Dell is sadly not long for this world, and several other household appliances also have a poor prognosis - oh despised decrepit money pit that I call home!)

Where am I going to sit tonight?

(ps - no news on my ward closure - yet. apparently it's still 'under discussion' - blimey!)

“Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.”

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