Saturday 18 August 2007

"I am not young enough to know everything" - Oscar Wilde

Billy is unwell. Billy is also very well.

My new computer is working. Until this week I used a 26" LCD tv as a monitor, consequently this site now looks tiny to me (maybe you should just reconnect to the TV eh genius? - well no actually, it hasn't got the resolution or refresh rate of this lovely Dell monitor - so there!). My point is that I've never bought a TV or gadget and NOT found something to nitpick about, maybe I'm growing up.

I'd forgotten how labourious it is to transform a new PC into a version of your old one. Furthermore I'm not too enamoured with Microsoft Vista, it wants permission for every bloody thing, and everything seems to take longer despite my snazzy new quad core processor!

I had the worst day ever at work yesterday (well maybe not ever). One patient is threatening to sue me! (I didn't do anything wrong really, just kept him waiting, we were so busy, and there was only three of us on - damn it this is starting to sound like an excuse!), there were accidents, blood , vomit, diarrhoea, no staff, and one hilarious incident that I'd be sacked if I discussed.

Welcome back Barbara! How I wish I could have spent the day in Disneyland with you!

"Too much of a good thing is wonderful." - Mae West

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