Sunday 9 September 2007

"Haven't you ever heard of the healing power of laughter? "

I've noticed something. My blog is less interesting to me recently. Why?you ask, Well I only seem to post when I feel unhappy, or grumpy, or even a bit angry ( or actually miffed , as I don't really have much of a temper).
The clever amongst you will realise intuitively what I mean. I'm suggesting that recently I have been happy and contented, well I have, so there! To badly misquote Jack Nicholson ;
"I have given a name to my pain, and it is Barbara!"
except Barbara isn't my pain, she is my pleasure! Why then ,you might ask, are you posting if you are so happy? Well tonight is the first time in an age that I haven't spoken to her, and I feel sad, so very sad. Hence my post. So there you have it , without Barbara I am unhappy, which means more blog entry's but one very unhappy Billy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny how that happens isnt it ... the age old theory that its only the tortured souls who write, because the happy amongst us are too busy enjoying life to try and put their feelings into writing. Happy songs never sell as well as those about heartbreak.

Good to hear you're happier these days, even if it doesnt quite sound like the old you !