Of course the car sailed through it's test, but on the very day I was without transport it poured, reminiscent of the deluge. I did another foolish thing - I wore a wool coat that I have had for ages, but never worn, and it seems that was reason enough for those ancient gods ,who monitor and make such mischief, to wet themselves chuckling! (no car + wearing a a wool coat + rain = very wet and soggy Billy)
It's payday tomorrow - hooray, but by the curse of the direct debit will leave me just enough for maybe a take away and a couple of DVDs, what more could a man want? However I was reading on Reddit.com that of the approx. 6,120,000,000 people in the world, I'm earning more than 6 billion of them (do forgive me if those figures aren't exactly right), so I suppose that puts me in some kind of elite! yippee!
Remember I mentioned that sickness interview I have coming up at work? you don't? oh - well anyway, every time I sneeze, ache, twinge, spasm, or cough, I can't help worrying that it will develop into some terrible illness, and the rules will mean I'll have to crawl into work , barely alive, and grinning through gritted teeth - brave little soldier!
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