Thursday 20 September 2007

“I wasted time, and now doth time waste me”

Firstly I am not at home as I type. I am sitting at my wayward brothers computer, so I will not be able to embellish this post with pictures etc 'till I get home (some home eh!).

(I left that bit in)

Procrastination. That's what's occupying my thoughts today. I have the terrible habit (not really a habit, more of a nihilistic compulsion) to leave everything until the last minute. This may be typical of men, but I am too solitary a soul to comment upon that species.
Take my bane of a house for instance. I knew that anything I didn't do as soon as I "moved in" would probably never get done, and so far that has mostly been true (mostly). My car is three years old next week and due it's first MOT, and I have, off course been avoiding arranging it, but why?
Well I suspect I suffer from "Schrödingers Cat Syndrome" (Google it). By this I mean that as long as something remains undone, it still has potential for good as well as bad. I'm explaining this badly, for instance as long as my car remains untested It exists in a potential state of perfect repair as well as complete wreck status. Likewise as long as I stayed at home and avoided social contact, the potential for fun and happiness existed, as well as the potential for loneliness and hurt. I think I inherited this from my mother, who has the related "ostrich (or elephant in the living room) syndrome", in as much as she will ignore or deny the existence of a problem rather than confront it.

Time to get off the couch, I think. My hour is up!!

“Captain Kirk never burped out his lines, nor did he simply SPEAK! as IF! Every! Other! SYLlable! WAS! of DIRE! ImPORTance!” - William Shatner


Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a fan of ignore the problem as long as you can, but i still always believe the outcome will be positive. My cat would definitely be alive.

p.s. was round your Hospital today for the first time ever...i like the way the Education Centre (where i was) had its name in HUGE letters on the wall, which made life a lot easier given the fact i was late and not sure where i was going ! everyone in CHS visually impaired or just unbelievably helpful ??

Anonymous said...

Neither, I suspect the Manager bhind it just liked stating the obvious. Welcome to my world! (always nice to hear from you)