Thursday 9 April 2009

“Nothing cures insomnia like the realisation that it's time to get up”

"And everywhere I go,
There's always something to remind me

Of another place and time
Where love that travelled far had found me. "

A slight return - The disputed money was going to Tesco, and it was fraudulent! After what? 14 years online, this is the first time I've been caught out, me! I ask you - Mr. Two virus scanners and two spy ware scanners. Luckily my bank is sorting it out, unluckily they had to cancel my card, meaning Billy cannot buy anything online until after the two Easter bank holidays - crikey.

My neighbours smoke alarms battery has obviously run out, and has been peeping continuously for about three weeks - it's driving me crazy man , crazy! Do I knock on the door and mention it, or wait until the lazy so and so changes the damn battery (excuse my language!)

Tonight I watched "Village of the Damned" and "The Lost Boys", and enjoyed them both immensely.

Conversely I feel terrible, I am hardly sleeping, I feel depressed, and my Sister says I look dreadful.

I feel dreadful.

“I don't consider myself a pessimist. I think of a pessimist as someone who is waiting for it to rain. And I feel soaked to the skin.” - Leonard Cohen

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