Thursday 30 April 2009

'What is the use of a book', thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversations?'

Let me warn you, this takes self pity to a whole new level. Before I was merely a talented amateur, now I have become a master!

Well this is post number 500. It'll be my birthday in a few minutes (actually it's today as I was typing over midnight). Sadly I'll be at work.
Compare and contrast with my joyous Birthday last year, up until then I was used to the monotony an uneventfullness (is that even a word? no matter).

I was a 13 hour shift today and in fact didn't get off the ward till after 9pm, meaning I was in that hospital for nigh on fourteen hours. It was stupidly busy, so much so that I actually asked the Matron for help, which she declined (in fact she made me feel like Oliver Twist asking for more gruel).
I even asked my three colleagues if one of them would hand over, so I could get off a little early and go home and get drunk. they too all declined (this one made me feel a bit more Henny Penny).

There was, however a nice card through my letter box from Billie. This is the first year she hasn't made me a card (I still make hers - so there!) another rite of passage from childhood to adulthood , I could rationalise.
At least I am a late shift tomorrow so I can have a lie in. I've been sleeping a bit better recently, even having a couple of early nights (shiver me timbers!) but this is more down to sheer physical tiredness than any peaceful sense of inner well being and contentment.

I'll end there. You know I could go on, and inevitably will...

(random pleasures from the last few days - Judee Sill CD, and the wonderful season 2 of Mad Men)

(As well as my Birthday, April 30th is also pay day! five long weeks of cash drought over - ebay watch out!)

“The return of my birthday, if I remember it, fills me with thoughts which it seems to be the general care of humanity to escape.” - Samuel Johnson

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