Wednesday 22 April 2009

“When what you want doesn't happen, learn to want what does”
- Arabian Proverb

"I was surprised, I was happy for a day in 1975 "

I'm mightily miffed, but more of that later.
My brief stint on nights is over. I never feel quite so optimistic as leaving the hospital after finishing a run of nights, plus it was sunny too!
Sadly that feeling usually dissipates by the time I get home, and optimism is replaced with fatigue.
I intended to fill the day with stuff, but as usual this only reached the heights of nodding off on my Mams settee.
I was supposed to pick Billie up in the town centre (I found this out eventually after she 'forgot' to ring me last night) . I'm rambling. So I sit on a bench and wait, and then I wait some more. I call her, no answer, I start to worry. Eventually I find myself wandering amongst the shops, and amazingly I spot her going into a clothes shop with two (very short) friends. I uncomfortably hang around outside, and after an age they emerge, she walks right past me (I'm sure she didn't see me) and I actually have to call out to her. The expected look of horror appears on her face.Apparently it would be really uncool to even admit you have a parent at her age, never mind be seen interacting with one. She blurts out that she isn't finished yet (even though many shops were closing) and says she will just go home when she is done. I didn't want to argue, as she would never forgive me creating any type of scene. The wise man knows when to retreat.
I haven't seen her at all this week. In a strange kind of bizarro empty nest syndrome, the one person who actually needed me, doesn't anymore. Although it's inevitable its also very painful. I'm pleased she is sociable and popular, but I miss the little girl sometimes.

What's to become of Billy?

“He who eats alone chokes alone.” - another Arabian Proverb

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