Wednesday 17 March 2010

“The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.”

"Steve McQueen jumped the first one clean
But the great escape he'd tried to make was not to be.
Maybe next time Steve."

Now you probably see my lack of posting over the last couple of weeks as a sign. A sign that I've had such an exciting whirligig of a time that I haven't had time to post. Very likely eh? usually I post when I open a new box of cereal, actually no I don't do I? I don't know what I was thinking there (soemthing about insignificance I suppose).
Well here I am last day before I return to work, it's mid-afternoon, and I'm still in my dressing gown. To be honest I don't have any reason not to be. I suppose I should bit the bullet and go out grocery shopping. I've got a six day stretch starting tomorrow, and there's more nutrition in the dust on your monitor, than in my kitchen cupboards (that's the content of said cupboards, not the cupboards themselves of course).I have of course, got a two week stretch on a Ward that is not my own. I'm so deep in my rut at work that it's making me a little nervous.

In actually important events, my Brother in Law had his bypass surgery and is doing well. I'll try and get down to York again soon.
After all it's April soon, which means my Birthday and more importantly the start of the NHS holiday year (April to April like the financial one, I've never understood why?).

Three weeks ago, I told myself that I'd visit my GP. Firstly It's about time I got myself a referral for some hand surgery, before that thumb becomes unusable. Secondly I was going to make a self referral for some counselling. My Brother has been going (to the same Health Centre) for years and it seems to really help him. He has good support from Friends already. I've none at all so being able to speak to someone should benefit me even more? is that logical? - oh! and of course I never got around to making that appointment!

Needless to say this evening will bring solitary wine drinking, a smidgen of crippling loneliness, a smattering of brooding, and a dash of regret. A perfect recipe!

Rambling Syd Rumpo out,

Be seeing you!

“Habits are cobwebs at first; cables at last” - Chinese Proverb

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