Friday 12 March 2010

“Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.”
- Arthur Miller

But how many times can I walk away and wish "If only..."
But how many times can I talk this way and wish "If only..."
Keep on making the same mistake
Keep on aching the same heartbreak
I wish "If only..."

Foolishly, I was looking through old photos earlier. Now this, at least for me, is never a good idea. The fact that the photos were of my trip to Canada might indicate where this is going, I don't need to go on do I ? Regrets? I've had a few, but none more than that one. The funny thing is that if I were now asked about why it happened I could probably give you an half arsed attempt at an explanation, something I couldn't back then. It's almost two years for goodness sake, will it ever stop hurting?
Where's Doc Brown when you really need him?

More mundanely, my holiday is drawing to a close. I say holiday, but it was just my usual days off repeated ad nauseum. Whilst that's not a bad thing after the first five days or so I was bored stiff. Now I am in full rigor mortis.
Haven't seen much of Billie this week, in fact I haven't seen much of anybody. I'm feeling very isolated, but what's new? It just makes playing 'Rock Band' all on my own even sadder. I still stink (at rock band, my personal hygiene continues to be an exemplar.)

Of course I planned trips on almost a daily basis (that's the planning, not the trips). I was a single key press away from booking an Hotel in Glasgow, (after finally dismissing Belfast as an option) but I decided that since a two night trip would end up costing about the same as half of my proposed Las Vegas trip, that something was off kilter a bit ( no pun intended).

I got a really nice comment from an actual reader (see last post) hello there! happy reading!
I just watched a high def copy of 'Tron'. Whilst to my nostalgic retro loving eyes it was fun, I dread what Billie (and by implication her generation) would have made of it. So slowly paced and stilted, and not quite what CGI conjures up to a modern audience eh? Still I love it, and look forward to the Sequel in December.I went to see Tron in December 1982, with my first girlfriend Eileen (first implies a subsequent long line, whereas the number is more than two and less than five).
I wonder what she's doing now?

(in contrast to the above tomfoolery, back in '82 I actually became very, very good at the Tron arcade game. I occasionally had my name as top scorer even! I must have spent a small fortune)

End Of Line...

Actually a song about Billy Mackenzies suicide, but the sentiment and 'I miss you' refrain gets me up every time.

“It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.” - Jerry Seinfeld

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