And no one can know for sure,
If that is why they didn't see,
The sign that said 'Detour'."
Monday morning, earlyish. I had yet another horrible nightmare (are there any other kind?).
It's recent enough to be still hanging around my psyche. If this was a film, then it would be my subconscious offering up clues to a long forgotten, or never noticed mystery. But it isn't, it's just another nightmare.
I mentioned the potential optimism of mornings last week. It seems that doesn't apply to today, the day ahead is pressing down on me , making me struggle for breath, at least for a moment or two. No plans, no desires, nowhere to go, and no-one to not do it with.
I'm a fun guy.
“Pessimist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both.” - Oscar Wilde
I loved this!!! It was AWESOME thanks for Sharing your Thoughts!!!
-DG :)
Thanks very much. I don't think any of my miserable outpourings have ever been described as "awesome", but as 'they' say, apparently, there's a first time for everything
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