Monday 30 August 2010

"There is less to this than meets the eye."
- Tallulah Bankhead

Someone flicked a switch marked 'Summer' and by default came Autumn. That's how today feels. Permeating everything is a sense of coolness, both of temperature and mood. I look around me and the world looks worn and washed out, almost faded.
Faded not in a nostalgic, sepia way, but in a decaying, used up sense. I know that simply it's the end of Summer, and my mental state is, of course, colouring my outlook, but today (Sunday) something changed. I've often bemoaned my distaste for Sundays, and as tomorrow is also a Bank Holiday, that's like getting two in row - Double Sunday! Twice the sense of doom (I believe a lot of people like Bank Holidays, but they probably have things like options). O, woe is me.

“Whether the knife falls on the melon or the melon on the knife, the melon suffers” - African proverb

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