Tuesday 31 August 2010

“To the wise, life is a problem; to the fool, a solution”
- Marcus Aurelius

"On the back of a carton coaster,
In the blue TV screen light,
I drew a map of Canada,
Oh Canada,
With your face sketched on it twice"
Well after the bleakness of the weekend, today was a little  sunnier, in all senses. 
Billie stayed over last night , and while all I got was teenage indifference, it still cheered me up. Today we went to an early showing of "Scott Pilgrim versus The World". I absolutely loved it but I could tell from Billies antsy shuffling that she wasn't having such a good time. On the way to drop her off (for an urgent rendezvous with friends) I tried quizzing her on the films merits, but she wasn't in a talkative mood. I try to not let this sort of behaviour bother me any more, and it didn't. 
I'm, I imagine, not in the films ideal demographic, yet still I found it touching, exciting and very very funny. Michael Cera was not an obvious choice as Scott Pilgrim (at least to me , but on reflection he is a 22 year old Canadian), but his usual fey and slightly embarrassed persona fit the character perfectly. most of all I loved the crazy logic of the whole movie, no one (in the films world) questioned any of the goings on, and the direction was kinetic without being choppy. There were several laugh out loud moments ("they make movies in Toronto?") , which were greeted with an 'embarrasing Dad' glare from Billie). I really thought a 14 year old would have appreciated it more (what does that say about me?)

I am going to enjoy this rare evening of feeling, well okay - Wine, Mad Men and True Blood await (that sounds a little more exciting than the reality). Normal service will be resumed shortly...

“Solitude is impractical and yet society is fatal.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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