Friday 6 August 2010

“If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner.”
- Tallulah Bankhead

It's been quite a while, hasn't it?
I feel somewhat better, at least mentally, and to the NHS I shall soon return, but this time as its servant, not a patient! ( and I have never dreaded anything so much!)

Engaging non sequiturs ...

Today, and hopefully tomorrow, I feel better. My physical symptoms have all but subsided, and mentally, whilst not exactly Stephen Fry, I feel a whole lot better (next day sober edit - hasn't Stephen Fry got bipolar disrder? not a very good example eh Billy?). Nothing has really changed , but time and medication has almost returned me to "normal" whatever that means?
I must add that tonight, I've had a drink , for the first time in a long time (well anything more than a single glass), and without any nausea too! bonus!

I shall not go into too much detail, but alcohol usually precipitates nostalgic dwelling, and sad sad self loathing...

Mary, Mungo and Midge.

My Daughter is so grown up, it confounds me. I miss the 9 year old that depended on me so much, but celebrate the 14 year old , who is more savvy than I will ever be.
Normality regained? what's normal?

I've just watched the three movies that make up Steig Larssons "Millennium" trilogy. Together with "Wallander" they make me want to up sticks and relocate to Sweden. what a beautiful, but (as portrayed) forlorn and tragic Country... (er, by the way, I really really liked the movies)
But why do they need an English language (i.e. American) remake? (see my opinion on "Let The Right One In" too), and furthermore, Daniel Craig is, at least in my opinion, simply too young to be Blomkvist...

In more concrete terms, er ...
Sorry, I am really really tipsy, and it's 2am. Recently 2am finds me dead to the world to me, after all those years of insomnia! For some reason tonight I can't sleep, so rambling ensues...

Is there anybody out there trying to get through?The new season of "Mad Men" just makes me pine for the 60s even more...

I had two really really big and unexpected bills this week, but my medication stopped me from feeling too bad about it (?), I'm broke. but emotionally neutral...

Tomorrow (today?) I'll probably feel the polar opposite of how I feel now...

A few days ago I accidentally rang Barbara (remember?) rather than my Mam (damn you speed dial, you'd think after two years I'd have deleted that number) . I hung up as soon as I noticed. However for the following hour or so I was simultaneously excited and terrified, should anything come of it. In retrospect it was about 3am Vancouver time.

Loneliness isn't so bad, at least for tonight......

According to , I have 5, count 'em, followers, hello guys!!!

“It infuriates me to be wrong when I know I'm right.”
- Moliere


Tiffany said...

I don't think I've left any comments since the end of October 2009. So 10 months behind I am. You've only got 45 posts for 2010 though so I did catch up.

Granted I should have nothing in common with a middle aged father from another continent and for that matter a an entirely different generation.

But I come back your blog.

I recently watched that old movie "The Guilty". So maybe....I have in-deed cleared out by blog. I've left it all hollowed out just so I can stay a follower of your blog. I do have a new blog but I'm not sure I'm ready to share it with any one yet. It's an odd one for sure.

I am your only Tiffany - amongst the followers.

I am so fond of your images - the comic panels - I'd really love to be able to use one in my blog. May I?

How do you feel about sorrow?

Hendrik van der Zee said...

Feel free to use the images. They are, after all, just found by myself, although I do crop and tidy them up all on my own,
ain't I great?

Sorrow makes me sad...