Thursday 29 September 2011

"You know what? Copernicus called and you are NOT the center of the universe!"

- Frasier Crane

"There's a hole in daddy's arm
Where all the money goes"

Until I inevitably get bored, I'm resurrecting the song lyrics intros, I rather liked them...

 I'm such a sloth, a top procrastinator. My solution to most problems is to ignore them until they go away. As you can imagine this rarely pays off.

Of course this is all an oblique, well not very, reference to my ongoing visual problems.

On Sunday the headache was so bad I simply went to bed. I didn't wear my new glasses for two days, but blimey, I didn't realise what a step forward they'd been, I couldn't read roadsigns, and driving in the dark, in fact doing anything in the dark, at least that involved looking, was out of the question (remember, I also have rather pathetic night vision, I can't even see stars anymore).
Yesterday, I relented and went back to the varifocals, the pain was a little better bizzarely had relocated. Because (I imagine) of using the old prescription for two day, the left eye was super blurry too (it's getting better).
Now you dear reader, you would have popped off to the opticians, all righteous but level headed, and got this sorted out.
I obviously didn't. Thanks to a strange confluence of shifts, it'll be over a week until I can get there - cue lots of painkillers, lots and lots of whining and self pity (but in all honesty the pain is real and quite bad)
I'm just going to get my eyes retested and start from scratch. The real stinger is the nearly £400 I paid for two pairs, gulp!

It's payday today, after a long long five weeks. I got so close to being overdrawn, this close (holds up fingers, really quite close together). It's like a bouncing ball, each month the bounce is a little less, until, hang on for this metaphor to work, the ball would have to start tunnelling underground, wouldn't it? Oh well it worked up to a point.

Note, despite bemoaning a lack of funds, it didn't stop me from finally picking up the 'Lost' blu-ray box set, when it finally fell below my price limit (that's £10 per season "fyi"). Now I have to face the mammoth task of actually watching it (again). I for one didn't mind the ending, I thought the journey was more important than the destination, if you see what I mean. I fondly recall the weekly post viewing analysis with Barbara, when Lost (and to some extent me) was in it's heyday.
Come on it wouldn't be a proper post without at least one veiled or totally not veiled reference to Canada, eh? (absolutely no pun intended - honest!)

My how she's changed, but I really like this album in all its big haired pomposity - but this video, well it is really quite dreadful...


“Small children give you headache; big children heartache” - Russian Proverb

Hellooooo 1980s!

Saturday 24 September 2011

Title To Be Announced...

Nothing terrible happened, nothing good happened either, mind you.

I'm killing time until I start work at 14.30! We're starting a new shift today which entails a later start and less days off. It's not a popular change, with me or pretty much anyone else I've spoken too. Did I mention less days off?

I found a piece of old Christmas card pushed through my letter box. On the back was written 'Jesus loves you'. I imagine everyone in the street got one. Was this a nice gesture? Or do you see something more sinister? Remember I am a devout atheist.

I've temporarily given up on the new glasses! ("Oh no, not this  again!" you may be saying to yourself, and I can't really blame you) until I can see (ha, there we go again!) the optician again. It all boils down to clear sight and a headache, versus slightly blurred everything versus a sweet sweet lack of headacheyness. Some choice.

I had yet another outbreak of nostalgia last night, and ended up scrolling through a load of old photos. When combined with wine this can only have one outcome - Bad! Poor old Billy...

Friday 23 September 2011

“When two elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled”

Oh no, it's another one of those days. Pit of the stomach, mind churning, doom gloom days...

I saw the optician (no pun intended), and I'm pretty sure she just thinks I'm mad. She couldn't find anything wrong.  All I know is that a few minutes of wearing my new glasses results in pain in the right eye and temple. My old glasses - nothing!

My days off went by in a mundane flash. Off to work in a minute...

“I say, when life gives you a lemon, wing it right back and add some lemons of your own!” - Bill Watterson

Monday 19 September 2011

“Bad is called good when worse happens”

- Norwegian Proverb

Having a constant headache finally drove me to action, a little one at least, namely an optician appointment on Wednesday.

My attempt to stay up really really late last night was scuppered, mostly by being at work for around 14 hours yesterday, combined with being an out of shape middle aged man, I woke up, somewhat bewildered, in front of the computer around 2.30am , and somehow managed to get myself to bed. 
Rather cruelly, I woke up at 8am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep.
So I'm sitting here, almost literally killing time until I go to work tonight, wide awake but also completely knackered.
I really can't explain my awful relationship (make up your own jokes) with night shift, and I'd like to. All I need to (apparently continually) say is I dread it, almost to the point of inaction (although casual observers would not notice any difference to my normal behaviour). I don't know how it started, it's enough that it did. The one good thing is, when it's over, I actually feel quite uplifted (but let's not get carried away, it's just a temporary aberration)

More importantly, I dreamt of Barbara again last night. You'd really think that I'd have stopped all that by now, wouldn't you? But for I haven't, make of that what you will.
It seems all my dreams are dominated by two overarching themes now , namely  'decay' and 'regret' , (potential Nine Inch Nails album title?). Where are all those fun dreams I used to have? eh? eh?

Time to iron a uniform...

“A man grows most tired while standing still.” - Chinese Proverb

Saturday 17 September 2011

“More and more, it feels like I'm doing a really bad impersonation of myself.”

I'll soon reach post number 730! That means it's only around 365 posts since I mentioned I was nearly at post 365, if you see what I mean. In short you could read two posts a day for a whole year and not run out (except maybe the will to live) ! That's very nearly a pamphlet, if a hard copy existed, which thankfully, it doesn't.

As I tweeted about 60 seconds ago, I've still got a headache. It's lasted around four months, which is exactly how long I've been wearing these damn varifocals. I really wish I'd never bothered.

Billies house has a 'For Sale' up, imagine how delighted 'Mr. Insecure' was to see that (I mean me, I hope you realise - you did didn't you? eh?).

It looks like a new car is so far off the menu, it's on, well, another menu, in another restaurant, probably in another time zone. At least for now - evil laugh! Actually maybe three or four months, want that vagueing up a bit more?

Monday night, my absolute favourite thing - Night Shift! I shall say no more about it except there was a major lie in that last sentence. Can you guess what it was?

I finally had to bite the bullet, and put on the central heating tonight - in September!

Billie stayed over tonight. Sadly all we did was her homework. That's because Saturday she has yet another party, and Sunday, watching a football match (ugh!). Sadly Dad time comes a distant third, but I'd happily be third than not placed at all...

“We are not special. We are not crap or trash, either. We just are. We just are, and what happens just happens.” - Chuck Palahniuk

Saturday 10 September 2011

“I have an unfortunate personality.””

- Orson Welles

Humbug, I'm feeling extra grumpy, supremely  disconnected (what's new?) and at odds with the whole darn world tonight. Earlier this week I found out from Billie that her Mams Boyfriend and his Daughter are already living with them. What bothers me most about that, irrationally I'll admit (hey, that's one of my, many, middle names), is that I hardly get to see Billie, these teenage days, and now someone I don't even know is, well, seeing her more than me, just jealousy I suppose, another of my talents (or is it envy?)

I need a new car and I really like the Nissan Cube. Sadly Billie hates them, and threatened to never get in if I get one, clumsy sentence but true. I imagine that her need for a lift would eventually force her in, but I respect her wishes enough to have to think twice now. Actually that should be think thrice, as I was already wondering how I was going to afford , the already second-hand, car. If I were to get the car my chances of a holiday (or indeed food) would be low to zero, for the next few years, so maybe she's doing me a favour. 

Re-reading those two paragraphs has made me feel better - they're complete tripe. I'm being a selfish, self righteous prig, as usual. I really should lighten up , and maybe just maybe get out of the house once in a while...

“The enemy of society is middle class and the enemy of life is middle age.” - (More) Orson Welles

Saturday 3 September 2011

"How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world."

I hope I can crawl my way out of this one. I woke up actually feeling worse than last night. My stomach feels like it's washing rocks on a slow spin cycle. I don't feel especially unwell, at least physically, just bleak, forgotten, and quite pointless (maybe unnecessary is a better word?).
I know, I'm quite pathetic, and not in the demanding sympathy sense, but it's  my post, and I'll cry if I want to!

Now it's off to work, it doesn't cheer me up as such, but I can put 'this' on the back burner for a few hours whilst I'm cleaning commodes...

“Anyone who works is a fool. I don't work - I merely inflict myself upon the public.”

- Robert Morley

I drove down a rarely travelled (at least by me) road today. 
Since I last passed that way, a school had been demolished, and was obviously being developed for housing. When I was still married, I could see this school in the distance from my bedroom window, but that isn't the important part of my rambling. It suddenly popped into my head that I'd been in that school before. It was over 20 years ago, when I was a Student Nurse, and I followed a Community Nurse around for a few weeks. I was a lot thinner and had a huge quiff. I must have looked quite amusing to the pupils, they followed me around and called me 'Mr Nurse' as if it was the funniest thing ever. It probably was. I was a much nicer person then, before the first of several rots set in.

You once again find me in quite a foul mood. Apart from the usual mental illness issues, I am stony broke,and my beloved projector has packed in again. Furthermore I'm feeling spectacularly alone and isolated, especially these past few days (which I like to call my days off). The only time I saw Billie this week (and now it'll be the only time I see her) was a 10 minute lift to a party last night, and the return trip this morning. Now as is her wont, she's away again on a trip, and then back to School next week. What a Summer we've had together. You're more likely to see me smiling than I am to see her, ie, not very much at all.

I know, I know...

I've got their one album, and it's really really good...

“We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think its forever.” -Carl Sagan


Thursday 1 September 2011

“If you're going to be crazy, you have to get paid for it or else you're going to be locked up.”

- Hunter S Thompson

He hadn't written a single word!
Well apart from these, obviously. In a nutshell, nothings happened. Billies gone away again, and reports she can't get any phone reception, figure that one out!

I apparently can't even get drunk , as this empty bottle, and bad mood attests.

This post doen't even warrant a youtube link...