Saturday 10 September 2011

“I have an unfortunate personality.””

- Orson Welles

Humbug, I'm feeling extra grumpy, supremely  disconnected (what's new?) and at odds with the whole darn world tonight. Earlier this week I found out from Billie that her Mams Boyfriend and his Daughter are already living with them. What bothers me most about that, irrationally I'll admit (hey, that's one of my, many, middle names), is that I hardly get to see Billie, these teenage days, and now someone I don't even know is, well, seeing her more than me, just jealousy I suppose, another of my talents (or is it envy?)

I need a new car and I really like the Nissan Cube. Sadly Billie hates them, and threatened to never get in if I get one, clumsy sentence but true. I imagine that her need for a lift would eventually force her in, but I respect her wishes enough to have to think twice now. Actually that should be think thrice, as I was already wondering how I was going to afford , the already second-hand, car. If I were to get the car my chances of a holiday (or indeed food) would be low to zero, for the next few years, so maybe she's doing me a favour. 

Re-reading those two paragraphs has made me feel better - they're complete tripe. I'm being a selfish, self righteous prig, as usual. I really should lighten up , and maybe just maybe get out of the house once in a while...

“The enemy of society is middle class and the enemy of life is middle age.” - (More) Orson Welles

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