Thursday 29 September 2011

"You know what? Copernicus called and you are NOT the center of the universe!"

- Frasier Crane

"There's a hole in daddy's arm
Where all the money goes"

Until I inevitably get bored, I'm resurrecting the song lyrics intros, I rather liked them...

 I'm such a sloth, a top procrastinator. My solution to most problems is to ignore them until they go away. As you can imagine this rarely pays off.

Of course this is all an oblique, well not very, reference to my ongoing visual problems.

On Sunday the headache was so bad I simply went to bed. I didn't wear my new glasses for two days, but blimey, I didn't realise what a step forward they'd been, I couldn't read roadsigns, and driving in the dark, in fact doing anything in the dark, at least that involved looking, was out of the question (remember, I also have rather pathetic night vision, I can't even see stars anymore).
Yesterday, I relented and went back to the varifocals, the pain was a little better bizzarely had relocated. Because (I imagine) of using the old prescription for two day, the left eye was super blurry too (it's getting better).
Now you dear reader, you would have popped off to the opticians, all righteous but level headed, and got this sorted out.
I obviously didn't. Thanks to a strange confluence of shifts, it'll be over a week until I can get there - cue lots of painkillers, lots and lots of whining and self pity (but in all honesty the pain is real and quite bad)
I'm just going to get my eyes retested and start from scratch. The real stinger is the nearly £400 I paid for two pairs, gulp!

It's payday today, after a long long five weeks. I got so close to being overdrawn, this close (holds up fingers, really quite close together). It's like a bouncing ball, each month the bounce is a little less, until, hang on for this metaphor to work, the ball would have to start tunnelling underground, wouldn't it? Oh well it worked up to a point.

Note, despite bemoaning a lack of funds, it didn't stop me from finally picking up the 'Lost' blu-ray box set, when it finally fell below my price limit (that's £10 per season "fyi"). Now I have to face the mammoth task of actually watching it (again). I for one didn't mind the ending, I thought the journey was more important than the destination, if you see what I mean. I fondly recall the weekly post viewing analysis with Barbara, when Lost (and to some extent me) was in it's heyday.
Come on it wouldn't be a proper post without at least one veiled or totally not veiled reference to Canada, eh? (absolutely no pun intended - honest!)

My how she's changed, but I really like this album in all its big haired pomposity - but this video, well it is really quite dreadful...


“Small children give you headache; big children heartache” - Russian Proverb

Hellooooo 1980s!

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