Saturday 24 September 2011

Title To Be Announced...

Nothing terrible happened, nothing good happened either, mind you.

I'm killing time until I start work at 14.30! We're starting a new shift today which entails a later start and less days off. It's not a popular change, with me or pretty much anyone else I've spoken too. Did I mention less days off?

I found a piece of old Christmas card pushed through my letter box. On the back was written 'Jesus loves you'. I imagine everyone in the street got one. Was this a nice gesture? Or do you see something more sinister? Remember I am a devout atheist.

I've temporarily given up on the new glasses! ("Oh no, not this  again!" you may be saying to yourself, and I can't really blame you) until I can see (ha, there we go again!) the optician again. It all boils down to clear sight and a headache, versus slightly blurred everything versus a sweet sweet lack of headacheyness. Some choice.

I had yet another outbreak of nostalgia last night, and ended up scrolling through a load of old photos. When combined with wine this can only have one outcome - Bad! Poor old Billy...

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