Wednesday 14 December 2011

"Captain, can you stop her from bein' cheerful, please?"

Hey there!

Fooled you, I'm still as miserable as ever (well not quite ,ever)

See you after this bottle of wine...

I'm back, my weeks holiday is all but over. What did I do? Not much.
Although not really an achievement as such, in the past week I've watched about 55 episodes of 'Community' my how I now adore that show! I hated Alison Brie (or at least her character, Trudy) in 'Mad Men' (please come back soon , oh you are!) but she's adorable in this. The whole ensemble are fabulous, love the whole 'meta' (ugh) vibe of the show, please don't get cancelled.
Speaking of 'Mad Med' , and I was, I also enjoyed all 10 minutes of Christina Hendricks in 'Drive', (I'm a heterosexual man with a redhead fetish, what do you expect? - although she'll always be Mrs Reynolds to me, of course) what a fantastic film! (a great soundtrack too!)

Speaking of TV, 'Dexter' is hovering around Shark jumping territory. That Season finale, better have a few cats that bag pulling will be done to! I'm serious!

In actually interesting news, I'm picking up my new (to me at least) car tomorrow. The widely reviled Nissan Cube, yes I took the plunge an d spent all my savings, plus a loan, on a car that is mostly hated (especially by one 15 year old I know pretty well). I personally love them. I had to compromise and get it in pearl white though (since there are so few cars in the UK to actually buy). They were a huge huge sales flop in the UK, and apparently no more will ever be imported. I'm hoping that will give them a certain culty status in the years to come (chances are it's the last car I'll ever buy). Meanwhile in North America and Japan they are literally driving out of the showrooms, literally, how else would they leave? I could have said flying? never mind.

Back to work on Thursday, I'm not dreading it, but something doesn't feel right. I've pretty much ALWAYS got a vague sense of dread, it's just a little beefed up these past few weeks.

Hey, I know you love hearing about my haircuts - So er, I got a haircut. I haven't been to this barbers for about 20 years, but the usual place was shut. I'm actually very happy with what they did.
Should I go for a new facial hair configuration to go with it though? I've had this full beard since we got back from Florida in April.
Time for a change? A Van Dyke? the old soul patch? a moustache?
The big beard does do such a great job of hiding my face though...

"Well, my time of not taking you seriously is coming to a middle."

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