Sunday 25 December 2011

"Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho."

I really was intending to have some Christmas decorations this year.
Obviously I didn't.
Billie isn't even visiting me, so what's the point? (I am seeing her for a couple of hours later though). Despite the initial gloom of this post, I feel so much better than last Christmas, and much much better than the one before.
Now as you can imagine,I'm not a Christmassy person, not at all. However I'd like wish a Happy Christmas to anybody and everybody out there, but especially to the two friends I made, and lost, via the blessing/curse that is the Internet, namely Andrea and Barbara. Whatever you're up to, I hope it's something fun and you're surrounded by the people you love.

Feliz Navidad!

(by the way, regarding the title. I'm not about to go on a shooting spree, I simply watched one of my favourite Christmas movies , namely 'Die Hard', last night)

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