Friday 30 December 2011

“Tact consists in knowing how far to go too far”

- Jean Cocteau

I'm this far (picture a very very small distance) from being completely bonkers. Living on my own I blame. Studies seem to confirm it :

...and they were just the first few I came across on google!

Proof of my opening statement? Well if my gradual detachment from society weren't enough for you, how about this?
I've become increasingly obsessed that my upstairs (not a metaphor, I mean of my house) is going to collapse. Especially with the recent strong winds we've being having here in the delightful North East.
I know it's ridiculous, (and thank goodness for that, or it would be full blown psychosis) but every creak, groan or noise heralds an imminent disaster to my fruit cake mind. That's all I'm going to say on the matter, as more detail would make me sound even more ridiculous, even typing this is making me aware of how silly I sound, so it's probably a good thing eh? a catharsis?

I've just had 3 days off and apart from my Mams house, I haven't been anywhere, not even shopping? (what?). By the way. if you're interested,  I'm still loving my new car. It's quite the gas guzzler compared to the old Panda, but it's just so swanky, oddball and well equipped , I love it. My self destructive subconscious is no doubt looking for ways to sabotage this pleasure, even as we speak...

(you know, this post started out tongue in cheek, well a bit, but those links up there are making me quite worried about myself! not the content of them as such, more the fact I felt the need to include them!!!)

“You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.” - Charles Manson





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