Friday 16 March 2012

“Why should anybody be interested in some old man who was a failure?”

- Ernest Hemingway

I think at around 2am I was all set to 'post' something, but it seems I fell asleep... and also no semi drunken posting.
I can recall some of my thoughts, but it won't have quite the same 'fluidity' (a joke) in the cold cold light of the morning

I had a very nice evening with Billie yesterday. We had a pleasant meal, I moaned about being constantly broke (in all senses), and we talked a lot about our situation, how we got here, and what the future may hold.
She is so grown up now, and has been for a long time. My fatherly role is now mostly a honorary title.

Later, alone at home that led to wine induced rumination.
Of course I seem to arrived quickly at my favourite ponderable, and the worst mistake I ever made.
Do I have to say it again? Something along the lines of being half a world away from here, both figuratively and literally, with the most wonderful company one could ever have.

Don't worry it's almost out of my system.

I'm never going to mention this ever again (well maybe not for a very long time) ...

“If two people love each other, there can be no happy end to it” - Ernest Hemingway
ps - whilst reading this post press 'play' on my previous post. I find the music and self pity go together wonderfully...

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