Friday 30 March 2012

"You rang?"

Nothing has happened. It's been sunny, warmish,petrol prices are ridiculous, I had to give Billie a HUGE cheque (in amount not size) and we had a lovely meal out together last night.

I fell asleep half an hour into last nights big movie. It wasn't dull, I'm just getting old(er). I'm starting earlier tonight...

It hasn't been as warm as people think it has...

Don't you hate the type of man who steers his car with the palm of one hand, cocky sods (now if he was also wearing a blue tooth headset, well some kind of sniper would have to be contacted)

Where does all the money go?

The Mad Men Season 5 premiere wasn't something I was especially looking forward too.
I was worried I wouldn't be able to follow if for a start, it's been 18 months after all. However, it was of course, fabulous.
The story was engaging,  there was plenty of wit, but above all it all looked so fantastic!  (I'm so shallow)

It's finally 1966, and everything's groovy, apart from Petes sports coat...

Dons new apartment was perfect in every way, and Megans wardrobe an exemplar for all budding ye-ye girls.
All the characters had something to do, and a reason to do it.
Don was mostly happy (odd eh?), Pete less weaselly, Roger funny, Megan Canadian, and Joan actually had a chance to emote.

And of course that song! Zou bisou bisou indeed... (although the whole thing teetered for a moment on the meta edge of self parody)

Oh my toothache is GONE, gone I tells ya!
A repeat of the root canal and blammo! - no pain.
Sadly I have to wait four bloomin' weeks for the permanent filling to go in (Easter must be a very busy time for dentists I assume)...

“May your trouble be like the old man's teeth - few and far between”

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