Friday 13 July 2007

"I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long"

I've said it before , but it's a great time to be young. Pop Culture (and nostalgia) is booming and you can dress how the hell you want, and no-one bats an eye-lid. This is good but it also reveals that there is no current style or movement that future generations will draw on. Can you imagine someone in 2047 longing for the nostalgic days of now, in the same way I have fond yearnings for 1967 (or to quote myself, my idealised modern view of it, after people were still poor, unhealthy, immoral and stupid, just with more style!)

My local town centre consists of mostly endless bars and clubs (plus pound shops!). They ( not the pound shops , obviously) usually have ridiculous "poncey" names referencing Bergman or Kurosowa films, da-daism, French cafe society or Dorothy Parker (OK - not really). Anyway for the average North-East punter they might as well be called "get drunk here", "girls girls girls", "low moral standards" or "pissed" (ever seen John Carpenter's "They Live"? - if so you'll know what I mean). The decor only seems to come in two flavours - ultra-modern (which means shiny but totally lacking in comfort or soul) and ultra-traditional ("olde worlde" and ultra dull). One bar I've seen (but not been in I might add) has a quite wonderful Roy Lichenstein influenced interior, with huge reproductions of his most famous works. I know I'm being a snob but I suspect the average clientèle remain ignorant to the concept of Pop Art.

“I would sum up my fear about the future in one word: boring. And that's my one fear: that everything has happened; nothing exciting or new or interesting is ever going to happen again... the future is just going to be a vast, conforming suburb of the soul.” - J.G. Ballard

Shirley Manson will return

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