Sunday 15 July 2007

Mrs. Peel - We're needed!

In inconsequential news :
Pity poor Billy. Rather than get better, as promised by a brief respite on Thursday gone, my back is actually worse today, I think the strain of limping has set the whole lower back into spasm, I should have stayed off the whole week and rested. You can't get a quick fix for these things.

It just occurred to me that I haven't watched a thing on TV this week. I always record "The Avengers" on BBC4 (PVR's are great aren't they?) but since I have them on DVD already that doesn't count does it?
Current British TV output just doesn't interest me at all. Ok I'll probably be watching Heroes on the BBC, but it is an American show, like all my current favourites. Brit TV just seems to lack a certain spark and inventiveness at the moment.

Returning to my back briefly, all those chores I should have been doing this week go undone (since I can't really bend down - you really should have seen the slapstick routine I went through getting my socks on this morning!). Whilst this wouldn't usually bother me, my impending house guest might not like it!!

p.s. I just remembered I did watch the new series of "Still Game" on BBC2 - I love that show, love it!

"On the other hand, you have different fingers" - Steven Wright

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