Monday 2 July 2007

“When red-haired people are above a certain social grade their hair is auburn”

Yes it's happened again! It's haircut time, and sorry to go over this once more , but "it wasn't what I asked for!".
This time I was very explicit (oooh er!) about what I wanted, rather than the vague murmurings I usually proffer. Yet revealed 15 minutes later, not the tousled stoner dude look I was going for, but a fair approximation of Professor Snape, at least in his Alan Rickman incarnation! Ho hum!

The one thing certain about the weather at the moment is nothing, er so that's potentially lots of things I suppose. Changeable isn't it? In a 3 mile car journey yesterday, I experienced "four seasons in a day" or summat, I'm not feeling very lucid tonight, and no, alcohol has not been involved, although that sounds like an excellent idea!

I watched "Willard" today, starring Crispin Glover, what a weird and wonderful guy.

“Eccentric doesn't bother me. 'Eccentric' being a poetic interpretation of a mathematical term meaning something that doesn't follow the lines - that's okay.” - Crispin Glover

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