Wednesday 18 July 2007

“Style is a simple way of saying complicated things”

Feeling a lot better today! plus the weather is lovely.
The only problem with that is it shows up the dirt more! Must try and tidy, but not today, I don't want to send myself "back" to square one! (do you see the pun I made? do you see?)

I'm feeling so much better today that I went out and bought a couple of DVDs ( I was getting withdrawal symptoms man!).

It's my daughter's leaving assembly tomorrow (she leaves Junior school on Friday). I know if I don't go I'll regret it, but it means avoiding my ex-wife. If we had an amicable relationship that would be nice, but from day one she made it clear she wanted nothing further to do with me, although she still has a close relationship with my wages. Also I'll no doubt get all emotional!

This is the video I really wanted but you'll have to click on this link to see it - bummer!

That's just as good (if you're as old as me anyway!)

“It is not I who become addicted, it is my body.” - Jean Cocteau

(Director of one of my favourite films "La Belle et la bête")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have to go, you will probably cry though, but that doesnt make you a bad person.

Just grit your teeth, make polite conversation with who-ever you get sat next to, and concentrate on Billie.

then get out as fast as you can !