Wednesday 21 May 2008

“Don't ever make the same mistake twice, unless it pays.”
Mae West

Oh dear, I've just checked my bank balance, and giving no details, it's a lot lower than I like (but hey, who in the world wouldn't ever say that?). I've never been overdrawn and my only debt is my mortgage (but what a debt !) so I really shouldn't complain. But when has that ever stopped me? (is it bad grammar to start a sentence with but? - I think so). I blame the five week month, since we get paid on the last Thursday, a fluke of the calender throws this up a couple of times a year.
On the up side it's my days off! and it looks sunny!

I watched the whole of season two of Dexter in something like 8 days. I quite enjoyed the first half, but the second piled on cliffhanger after twist and tension after tension (i.e. it was great!)
I was bemoaning the change in direction, and the reset switch was engaged somewhat at the end , but hey that's what we all wanted!
...and the finale of House (season 4) was a genuine surprise, and really quite sad!

“Economy is how to spend money without enjoying it”

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