Thursday 29 May 2008

“Don't marry for money; you can borrow it cheaper”
- Scottish proverb

Lovely and warm today eh? and payday too! I bought a new router today (in conjunction with my Dad and my Brother - cheapskate eh?) so I can now take my laptop to my Mams and waste even more time there!

Also I read that John Phillip Law has died recently (who? you may ask), he was only 71. He starred in one of my favourite films "Danger Diabolik!" and he was also very memorable in "CQ" and "Barbarella".
... And in other pop culture news, it seems that Shirley Manson , who makes an "occasional" appearance here, has signed up to appear in season two of "Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles" (what a tongue twister of a title!!). Now I am not enamoured enough to assume that she will be fantastic (in fact I suspect she will stink!) but I've been surprised before (I think).
I suppose she must have screen tested or something? I suppose this means the solo album has been shelved forever? Who saw this one coming? (no one , that's who!)

“Remember to always be yourself. Unless you suck.” - Joss Whedon

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