Tuesday 8 December 2009

““I have my faults, but changing my tune is not one of them.””
- Samuel Beckett

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.”

Firstly (?) let me state that I am a little drunk.

It's so embarrassing to arrive at work and find your zip was undone all the way. That less than furtive fumble to check it's position is so obvious in a crowded street or corridor, isn't it.

Now what's next? Due to my ongoing flaky Internet connection, I've watched a lot on the projector tonight. I've just watched 'The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button' , and consequently my mind has turned to aging and love and all that angsty stuff. More on that later, probably, if I remember. (Has Cate Blanchett ever looked more gorgeous than in that film?... er probably not).

I also watched the Buster Keaton film 'The General' (1926, blimey) , and quite simply it's a work of comic genius. I'd never seen it before, and for that I feel quite ashamed.

I also watched the penultimate episode of 'Dexter' Season 4. I've never experienced so much tension watching a TV show. It's totally unpredictable (in the usual drama sense, there aren't sudden unexpected alien invasions) , anyone can suddenly die or be killed, and there are more twists than a bowl of pasta spirals. I love it.

Gossip reaches me that a former friend of mine namely Claire, (MUCHLY mentioned in this very blogs early days, see early 2007) has joined some sort of religious cult in Ireland.
You probably know my views on religion in general (you don't? well see me after) , but in less general, regardless of whatever I felt about her in days gone by, this seems like a waste of a (relatively) young life. While I am extrapolating wildly (I picture something along the lines of 'In the Name of The Rose') the age of 28 is for hedonism, or a near equivalent, not devotion and routine devoted to, well you decide. She was always on the edge of 'regular', it looks like she finally went over. C'est la vie.

Getting back to Benjamin Button and that paragraph above, in a most circuitous way, makes my mind wander to former paramours, and the first mention in a long time of Barbara. To be honest I still think about her, a lot , but please don't tell anyone. I know that boat has long since sailed, in fact it's returned several times and is just leaving on yet another leg, whilst I'm still looking for a parking space, but if you don't know me by now...
I wanted to say a lot more about this but there really is little point, don't you agree?

... much later in the week. I'd forgotten about this post until today, what drivel eh? Billie stayed over last night (being a Friday) which always lifts my spirit somewhat. We don't really 'do' anything together, but just spending time in each others company is great (plus I didn't get up until 11.30 this morning, she around midday - crikey!

I've been watching a LOT of TV recently (boredom), but apart from 'QI', and 'The Thick of it' I never watch broadcast TV (and even then I watch those two online later via the iplayer), and as I often say, if ITV ever comes on, then my set is programmed to self destruct. I'm just a snob I suppose (really?)

(a little bit later) It's 1am now, wine has been consumed (don't get uppity that last one was five days ago!) - As King George put it , nothing much happened today (but I do feel V melancholy...)

(this weeks viewing - a shame only season one ever made it to DVD)

“Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful.” - Samuel Beckett

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