Monday 28 December 2009

“What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.”

"And if your love was not a game,
I only have myself to blame,
That's as may be, I can't explain,
Just ask the girl that I knew somewhere."

Be warned, I'm feeling very very sorry for myself this morning - you were warned!

Anyhow, Christmas.
I had a very nice Christmas Eve , very nice indeed. Billie stayed over , the first Christmas Eve I've spent with her since 2003! We had a good time.
Sadly she had to be back 'home' at 10am on Christmas Day, to drive off (as a passenger of course) into the snow and ice and visit distant relatives.

Which takes me to my Mams where after a very pleasant lunch (at least in terms of food) I spent an hour or two staring into space before falling asleep. My Dads attitude to me seems to have changed subtly. Perhaps to avoid conflict he now simply doesn't talk to me at all, or goes upstairs of goes out until I'm gone, subtle eh?

After all that excitement I got home in plenty of time for Doctor Who (frankly, a very disappointing 'special' but I'm not exactly in the demographic). An extremely busy Boxing Day (I was at work by the way) and an even busier Sunday, all 13 hours of it! (working that is, Sunday still had 24 hours) I arrived home intending to eat drink and be merry, but I fell asleep in my chair, and was in bed by 11pm (- this is quite remarkable I never ever go to bed before midnight.)

Monday was a day off, I stayed in and watched TV all day. I finally finished off Madmen Season 3 (very entertaining, but a bit of a worthy chore alas) and especially enjoyed 'let the right one in', 'Rashomon', and 'In Bruges' (er... that is a lot of TV isn't it!).

I may venture out into the sales...

“It is not possible for one to teach others who cannot teach his own family.” - Confucius

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