The black and white horizon
I leave the redstone building
And walk across the rooftops"
I really wanted to start with a 'bah humbug', but that would be such a cliche wouldn't it (so I did it anyway it seems).
I'm just about to go to bed, it's early Christmas Eve. Is is possible for one to feel less 'Christmassy' ? Maybe, but you'd have to work very hard at it. Tonight for once I don't feel forlorn or lonely (well not as much as usual, anyway), but I have a knot of frustration in my stomach, in fact I almost feel angry. Frustrated at what, and angry at whom, I do not know, but I wish I could shake it off.
I get annoyed at myself and the constant whingeing, but I'm just to lazy to do anything constructive. That's pretty much my story, I wait for things to happen to me, I never go after anything or anyone.
Facebook is not, I think, for me. It's confusing cacophonous and a time thief. While it's true that I have time in abundance, photos of people I don't know and what they are having for their tea, well they don't really appeal. If you catch me doing that - shoot me (looks around - er... is it too late to retract that statement?).
“Nothing is more discouraging than unappreciated sarcasm.”

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