Wednesday 16 January 2013

“I started at the top and worked my way down.”
- Orson Welles

I'm a little giddy, I know I shouldn't be drinking on anti-depressants, but I couldn't resist tonight. As it's been a while since I had alcohol - it's hit me a little harder than usual.

The side effects have started to kick in. Nausea, adding to the omnipresent knot in my gut, and for a bit of variety, loss of appetite. I hope I lose some weight !

Did I mention I grew a handlebar moustache back in Movember? Why would I? anyway I still have a full beard/ big moustache and could wax it up a treat if I felt like it, but I haven't, at least recently. So there.

Work is increasingly stressful, stripped of our normal role, staff moved, seemingly arbitrarily, stress stress stress. I used to got to work to relax (mentally), and socialise (honestly) , but well, I've never known morale so low, it's horrible.
Oh well.

I've been thinking about Andrea. Remember her? Well I do.  For that brief period, before (as now seems usual) I screwed up our friendship, we were good good pals.
I hope things worked out for her.
She was/is a lovely soul.
We had some most excellent chats. I could do with one of those right about now...

“My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people.” - Orson Welles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Billy. Tis me, Andrea:-) Tried to comment you there but my wonderful written piece vanished before my eyes so this is attempt no2. I was so pleased to read you'd signed up for CBT. It really is a great therapy. I learnt so much about myself and my thoughts.....there's a website called moodgym. Its really good too for helping apply cbt to everyday stuff and there's a book, cbt for dummies that I have sitting by my bed that I dip into now and then when I need to. I really hope that along with your meds it actually helps you. You deserve it! I'm good. Getting ;-) Nearly 42 now. Time just whizzed right past me there. Had a few adventures since I last saw you. Met a thrash metal drummer and had 2 years of fun and madness lol. He was crazy but really sweet at times. Have gone to as many gigs and festivals that money has allowed and met some really nice people along the way. Am now nearly deaf in one ear because of loud music but sure, better to lose it to something you love:-) I really hope things improve for you. Life is always going to be bumpy but there are great times to be had along the way.