Tuesday 1 January 2013

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."

People say "happy new year" don't they?

Anyway, I followed my traditional New Year routine - go to bed early and try to avoid the whole thing. Since this time of year is preoccupied with reviewing and cogitating on the previous 12 months events, and thinking about the past is one of my primary occupations, well you think I'd be in seventh heaven! But being an old misery guts, I just tend to dwell on all the failures and missed opportunities, blah blah blah - I'm sick of my own wittering.

In summary Christmas was a washout, New Year I was asleep.

Somehow I got through today at work, I've only got a cold, but the endless washing, commoding and drug dispensing , combined with my family sized dose of ennui , made today an especial struggle.

I rang Billie tonight with the offer of shopping and lunch in Newcastle tomorrow, only to find she'd planned a day of lunch and shopping in Newcastle with her Mam, go figure. A girl needs her Mother, but surely there should be a little room for old Dad too, eh? The last time I saw her was Christmas Day.  gorramit!!!

I have to mention "To Kill A Mockingbird". Somehow I'd never seen this wonderful film, and since Billie was kind enough to buy me the blu-ray, I sat down to watch it the other day. I cannot recommend it enough. There's a fabulous 90 minute documentary about Gregory Peck on the disc, what a gentleman, what a lovely human being.

“What did I do in high school? I grew from 5 feet 4 inches to 6 feet 2 inches.” - Gregory Peck

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