Monday 16 July 2007

"Jack Bauer got Helen Keller to talk"

I'm afraid any wit I usually have, has left on a short holiday, whilst Mr. Back pain is in town.
However thanks to the wonders of painkillers and some deep heat stylee cream my Dad supplied, I bring you this evenings Magnum Opus.
I only managed an hour! at work today. I was so uncomfortable during the handover, I broke out in a cold sweat (remember that time I burst into tears during the handover? - of course you don't, I've never mentioned it before) and couldn't concentrate on what was being said. Once more I broke my own personal worst time for walking home, what is essentially a ten minute walk took at least twice that. Hey I'm not complaining though, not in the light of last weeks "Sicko" viewing, I just thought the whole escapade was mildy amusing and pathetic in equal parts. Socks and shoes remain a problem though, at least the "getting them bloody on" part.

Men (always men - the idiot of the species) who wander around supermarkets, or queue in the post office (presumably for one first class stamp) whilst wearing bluetooth headsets. Do they think they are a top gun pilot or covert agent? Do they realise they look utterly, irredeemably, and childishly stupid? Is that call from the wife (no doubt driving her 4 litre "ranchero", "samurai", "outlaw" or "Ford macho stereotype" SUV to pick up little Briony from school half a mile away) reminding him to pick up some unsmoked bacon and a pint of milk, such a matter of importance that the two seconds saved not picking up a phone, and the appearances of being a total simpleton are worth it?

Of course they think they're Jack Bauer !

“The only thing that ever consoles man for the stupid things he does is the praise he always gives himself for doing them.” - Oscar Wilde

New Garbage single out today! (although being on the Radio 2 "C" playlist means it won't be troubling the charts anytime soon)


Anonymous said...

Nightmare !

Although sorry, but the thought of you trying to put on your socks and shoes makes me smile. We've all been there. I once put my neck out sitting at my desk..had to ring for someone to help me, couldnt move at all...very very funny in hindsight, but excrutiating at the time, both in pain and embarrassment terms.

Maybe its time to wear mules !

Anonymous said...

or wasnt that helpful ?

Billy Hopkinson said...

wasn't what helpful?

(said whilst grimacing - men cannot cope with pain, trust me I know!)