Friday 5 September 2008

“The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by often falling”

"Well, you wonder why I always dress in black,
Why you never see bright colors on my back,
And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone.
Well, there's a reason for the things that I have on."

blah blah blah
. It's Friday afternoon. It's also pouring down with rain and frankly quite chilly. However I'm feeling strangely upbeat! (as in strange to me, not upbeat in a new and previously unknown* way, if you see, maybe not). I have, well my little house has anyway, a second potentially leaky area of my (house) roof, but even this potential disaster is leaving me uncharacteristically undisturbed (I would usually fret endlessly over such matters, all the time doing nothing to resolve them - remember I'm an ostrich when it comes to problems, I ignore them and hope they go away, at least until the inevitable denouement) Where was I? Oh yes, strangely unperturbed (and how many of us can say that?). I'm sure it's just my close brush with doom, is enabling me , TV movie style, to appreciate all the good things in my life (I would name them, but I don't have a particle accelerator handy - it makes the infinitesimal visible see, see?) don't fret though, I'm sure it will wear off soon.
Even I need to eat (who'd have guessed?) , so that's my immediate plan... (goes off to look in his Mother Hubbard style kitchen)

*(can anything be unknown in any other way? it can't become unknown again can it , well I suppose a fall of civilisation and a loss of thousands of years of human knowledge as we fall back into primitive ways, struggling for our next meal, resorting to violence to procure a partner, [hang on, that's life in my street right now!]
On a similar not I also get an
noyed when people say "see you later", without a flux capacitor when else will they be seeing me?)

at this point the line went dead...

“We will never be an advanced civilization as long as rain showers can delay the launching of a space rocket” - George Carlin

(Shirley Manson will return...)

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