Wednesday 3 September 2008

"William, it was really Nothing"


(except that I do...)

Maybe I was being a little melodramatic, but yesterday brought back the suicidal (honestly) depressive days of 2004 ( and to a lesser extent all the time since EXCEPT July 2007 - May 2008, i.e. I feel pretty rubbish most of the time - I'm rambling...)
Anyhow, I checked my bank account yesterday, and somehow I was nearly £90,000 overdrawn!!!!
I'd bought an item for £90 last week and a random security check, plus a slightly distracted shop assistant, meant that your beloved author was debited £90,000 instead. Obviously when I discovered this yesterday afternoon, I was a little upset (by which I mean I was VERY upset).
To cut a long story short - the end - but seriously (and thanks Kevin Turvey for that "joke" 1982 I think) it was not until business started at the bank today that the "missing" money was returned to my account, after one sleepless (literally) night and much contemplating. Money doesn't bring happiness, but it sure makes being miserable more tolerable.

In a lighter mood, last week I was in charge of the ward when a surprise cleanliness inspection took place (believe me , NOTHING is more important in the NHS right now! - go get me a big box of nothing!), I was alone on the the ward with one other Nurse, when four of the biggest wigs (as in big wigs) including the head of Nursing, turn up. I hadn't had any lunch that day, and had terrible heartburn, plus for the past couple of weeks, I have been experiencing pain and subsequent numbness in my left arm , due to what I assume is a trapped nerve. I also have a tendency to ramble around "authority" figures (i.e. anyone who is not me). Where is this going ? you may ask, and that is a very reasonable question, I might add! The upshot is that epigastric pain and numbness in the left arm was interpreted by one of the group ( a Consultant Surgeon) as me having a heart attack! Oh how we laughed (we didn't). I heard from my Charge Nurse the other day that the Head of Nursing had been asking if I was Okay , me , Mr nobody! until last week she didn't even know I existed, now apparently we are on first name terms ! (well at least she is!)

Anyway at least I am solvent again, although I still have to await the penalties of being £90,000 overdrawn.

(by the way my car passed it's MOT after £130 of work, which my bank kindly lent me for the day - thanks bank!)

“I saw a bank that said "24 Hour Banking", but I don't have that much time” - Stephen Wright


Anonymous said...

I don't think this post conveys how bloody terrified I was for 24, seemmingly everlasting, hours...

Anonymous said...

Nightmare ! Sorry i've been away for a couple of days otherwise i'd have reassured you ... it happens all the time, and its always sorted. If you have any charges resulting from it, talk to your bank because they really should have systems in place to stop you running off with £90k ... if you have any trouble let me know

Bronnie said...

I see you like Shirley Manson.
i'm told by a lot of people i'm a spitting image of her.
obviously younger, but i thought i'd let you know :)

you're blogs are awesome. x