Como se puede bailar? Es un escandolo"
That's it!
A rite de passage - I've had to finally put on the central heating!
Tonight's plan - a bottle of wine, listen to a lot of music and.... er that's about it really (oh, probably a tad wallowing, a soupçon of soul searching, and a hint of "where did it all go wrong?").
Oh later I expect to be miserable but toasty warm - plus I expect my gas meter to be spinning faster than the large hadron collider (but since that is currently off line , that won't be hard, but you get the joke I imagine, you pedantic sods! - I haven't had that drink yet, by the way)
“Youth is full of sport, age's breath is short; youth is nimble, age is lame; Youth is hot and bold, age is weak and cold; Youth is wild, and age is tame.” - William Shakespeare
I am very sad (in all senses).
(much later - Idiot, whilst slicing a bagel, I forgot to stop and went right through my finger - ouch! That was my mouse hand too! - this sentence took a long time to type)
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