Monday 15 September 2008

“It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious.”

"From a late night train
Reflected in the water
When all the rainy pavement
Lead to you
It's over now
I know it's over
But I can't let go

Oh joy! Walking out of work tonight, into the cold dark north-east night, and it's raining. The insidious, don't know how wet you are 'till you get home, type of rain. Plus what shuffles it's way onto my ipod but the Blue Nile at their depressing best, still it all fits my current mood, a kind of resigned melancholy. I've concluded that my solitary existence is probably for the best, as I'm almost certainly not a very nice person, and probably too idiosyncratic for most (although I'm sure to have a new opinion very soon).

[I'm wearing my extremely dilapidated slippers, that Barbara bought me in Vancouver (in fact they were waiting for me on my arrival, how's that for a perfect welcome?), I'm loathed to chuck them, for sentimentality - I can afford a new pair, but sadly there is more slipper in the bin than currently wrapped around my dainty feet. This isn't some gloriously obscure metaphor by the way.]

“Those that dislike cats will be carried to the cemetery in the rain” - Dutch Proverb

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