Sunday 14 September 2008

“Most of the time I don't have much fun.
The rest of the time I don't have any fun at all.”

"Stranger things have been,
stranger things have gone,

I find it hard right now to name you one"

I feel quite desolate today, nothing has changed, not really. Strange how moods can change eh? I had that brief atypical episode of upbeat last week, but it's been downhill since. Work today was extremely quiet, very much so . Even the corridors of the hospital were empty, the whole day was like a half remembered dream, with it's own internal logic, that defies examination later.

Maybe the downturn in the weather has something to do with it? It is relentlessly wet and cold, the longed for Indian Summer has failed to materialise. I know I've joked about the central heating before , but with the recent 30% or so rise in energy prices here I'm genuinely worried about the winter, and keeping warm!

For some reason tonight I was looking through my Cds and realised I couldn't find any Prefab Sprout. It suddenly occurred to me that I haven't seen them for years! Then it dawned on me, my ex-wife probably has them, along with all the "everything but the girl" ones I couldn't find a few months ago! Hardly earth shattering but annoying, and like a bad comedy skit. Well this means only one thing! eBay here I come!

My favourite shop - Home Bargains, has started stocking Dark chocolate M&Ms. Remarkable for two reasons, they are imported from New Zealand (eh???) and they remind me of Barbara, although technically that was dark mini eggs, but it's all the same to a mixed up mind! (they are delicious by the way)

Anyone who doesn't love this song, especially this version, well I despair for them!

“I feel that life is divided up into the horrible and the miserable” - Woody Allen

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