I'm a genius in this town"
It's bloody freezing!
Post number 399 I notice. Never has so little been said to so few, for so long (oh it started well, but lost it's way a little - hang on, that's my adult life isn't it?).
A totally unremarkable day, which makes me commenting on it all the more strange. Nevertheless.
I maybe should have mentioned, I had a bit of physiotherapy last week. For the past month or so, since an incident at work actually, my left arm has been going numb, sort of like a "dead leg" if you know what I mean. It's associated with movements away from the body, like reaching up. or to the side, and can lead to hilarious consequences! (especially when driving - ha ha!). Nothing serious I'm told, but very annoying, and perhaps another sign of the wear and tear of middle age (oh woe is me!)
I really, really like Shakespear's Sister (sic), Siobhan Fahey seemed/seems like a total fruitcake, and still releasing excellent dance music I believe.
“It is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change.” - Confucius
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