But afraid and shy,
I let my golden chances,
Pass me by"
Another set of days off gone. Another set of days off wasted. So little happens to me, and I don't get a chance to engage in grown up conversation (anymore) that consequently this blog ends up drier than a dehydrated, desiccated, dry thing in a drought.
I finally got around to watching the end of "Carousel" tonight. I started it weeks ago , plucked randomly from the hundreds and hundreds of discs I still have unwatched. No need for a review, but the theme of unresolved issues, bad decisions, not to mention absentee parenting, resonated, plus the 'hero' is called Billy, I ask you!
I'm very unhappy.
(I've just realised that 'Lost' starts again tonight , and my usual viewing method is kaput, I hope only temporarily. The frustration!
I used to love dissecting episodes with Barbara. - big sigh!)
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