Friday 30 January 2009

“I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about.”

"It's such a sad old feeling,
the fields are soft and green,
it's memories that I'm stealing,
but you're innocent when you dream

Can you sense a slight lack of interest? That about sums up the way I feel, I suppose, disinterest, indifference. How long this will last? I don't really care (that wasn't a joke) , it's a punishment of sorts, and it's up to my own psyche to decide the length of the sentence (that was such a bloody flowery phrase, I'm almost tempted to delete it). If I seem a little self obsessed, well hey! it's MY blog!
My latest metaphor for daily living is a record jumping it's groove, doomed to repeat the same refrain over and over, until some 'kind soul' moves the stylus on, and my 'kind soul' has long since left the building.

In more down to Earth, and actually interesting, News, Billie has had a very bad throat infection this week, so has consequently stayed with me for four nights this week in total.
This is something of a record, but it's a sweet and sour experience, as she is very poorly after all. And once again it is highlighting my terrible parenting as I'm unable to go out and buy her stuff (I can't leave a sick 12 year old alone!) and my supply of things she likes, is all but depleted - send help soon!

There are other minor niggles, worries, and neurotic wonderings, but they can wait for another day...and there will be one , I assure you...

“One great use of words is to hide our thoughts”- Voltaire

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